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We believe that the church must present the biblical message in a culturally relevant way. We believe that the church’s smallest denomination is the small group. We believe everything should be done with excellence or not at all. We believe that the church should be led by those with leadership gifts. We believe that the church should engage the whole person –Heart, Mind, Body, and Soul. We believe that the lost matter to God and the church ought to give priority to reaching them. We believe that the church should be the hub of community life in its context.


EXALT Jesus Christ through Worship.


EQUIP believers for service through discipleship.


ENCOURAGE one another through Fellowship.


EVANGELIZE our world through our Witness.


Our mission is to make the “unchurched” the “Church.” We would like to be a dynamic community of faith that engages the whole person, expresses Christ’s love with compassion, and does all to exalt God.


Our goal is to build a relationship with Fairfield’s unchurched. Invite them to a Bible Study or Sunday Worship. Share a verbal witness.

Marble Surface

February 17, 2009

On this day, a small group met to have bible study at 1000 Kentucky Street. The group grew fast, as word spread throughout the Fairfield area. After several Bible Study sessions, the vision became clearer.  A meeting was held with the following persons to cast the vision for the new baby to be born. Present for the very first meeting were Brother Fred Ford, Jr., Sister Charlesetta Ford, Brother Tiny Ford, Brother Theo Blakey, Deacon Jesse Branch, Sister Sabrina Stephens, Deacon Cyrus Charles and Sister Rita Dangerfield.


The very first service was held on Easter Sunday, April 12, 2009 in the Fairfield Senior Citizen Center. The sermon subject was “Good News from the Graveyard” taken from St. Luke 24: 1-8. In attendance in the first service with Pastor & Lady Gilmore were 33 committed Christians, who became Charter members of the Bethel Community Church of Fairfield-that same day.


Due to the fast growth of the new baby, by May 2009 there was a need for more space.  The infant church moved services to Grace Episcopal Church located @ 1405 Kentucky Street.  Grace had a seating capacity of approximately 300.  The church became known as “the Fastest growing church in Fairfield”.   When the Grace facility became too small, the Lord used deacon Jessie Branch to introduce Pastor Gilmore to Temple Baptist Church for the purpose of having a baptismal service.  The Lord once again opened doors for the new-born babe.  in 2010, Pastor Gilmore led a caravan of more than 128 cars through Fairfield, to our current edifice, at 600 E. Tabor Ave.  Our new campus adequately meets all of our needs and we give praise to God for the things he continues to do!  As of this writing, we have over 500 parishioners on our rolls, and approximately 300 active. 


Presently BCC is blessed to have numerous ministries already in place and functioning fully. Some of the ministries are: Ushers Ministry, Deacons Ministry, Pastor’s Support Ministry, Executive Council, Culinary Ministry, Childrens church/Nursery Ministry, Praise dance and Music Ministry, Men’s Ministry, Media Production Ministry and Health and Wellness Ministry among others.  Pastor Gilmore has a vision for many additional ministries and continues to cast vision often. BCC has forged a strong partnership with various departments within the City of Fairfield.  To that end, we have several community give-a-ways, in partnership with our City official’s, our fire and police departments.  


Our Pastor teaches the “five star church” concept, and the goal is that every one that comes thru our doors, has a “Five Star Church experience”. We strive to do ministry with quality & excellence. We do ministry “outside the box”.  With our undaunted faith in God and untiring commitment, we expect to continue to grow spiritually, numerically and financially.   


Here we grow again, to date we have in weekly attendance 300 plus members and remain in awe of the goodness of the Creator for all that He is manifesting here at BCC.


We remain steadfast and unmovable as we strive to be the Church where “God is glorified, the Church is edified and satan is horrified” 


We are the Five Star Church!

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